The Power of Knowing Your Customers Don't Need You

The Power of Knowing Your Customers Don't Need You

Clients don’t need you or the service you provide, they require a solution to their problem, to address the specific situation or challenge they are facing or perceive they will be facing. 

Clients are interested in the result.  They are loyal to their values, and objectives. You play a means to that end. You have branded and identified yourself as one of those individuals because you bring the specificities around the tools, structure and past results to be a reliable means for that solution and delivery. 

When yours and their certainties outweigh the doubts of either party, it brings meaning, and a means to fulfill their values and they want you.

Those with a vision are on a mission, and each mission has a message. Caring is knowing yours and theirs and seeing how it's mutually beneficial towards the end result. 

The shift from needing someone to fill a role to wanting someone because they understand their vision is an intangible asset.  It will differentiate you and the products and services you help deliver to the world and provide you with the opportunity to work on more and more inspiring and fulfilling challenges. 

Amar Virk

Article by Amar Virk

Published 16 Jul 2022